Almost 7 months old
3 months 3 weeks adjusted
-can reach out to things in front of her and grab them
-so close to rolling from back to stomach
-sitting up much better with assistance (both hands)
-has officially dipped her legs in the Pacific Ocean
How did our family celebrate our first Valentine's Day? Apart=(
I am officially back to work (boo boo) and am working the night shift. Scott had Valentine's day off from the church and was called in to be an extra for Hawaii 5-0. Yes, I think he's getting bit by the bug. So, the grandparents had the exciting fun of watching Slugger for the day.
But we did get to celebrate Valentine's the weekend before at Ignite's Valentine's Dinner. It was a super cute party with karaoke and `ono food, and even a photo booth. I loved these photos taken by Arthur Wong. They even put the creative touches of the prom-like photo stamp.
We had a lot of people trying to get Slugger to smile but I think it just confused her so she really wouldn't smile. She just stared at everyone making a commotion behind the camera.
A big developmental milestone that Slugger just achieved this week is being able to reach for things in front of her. Before, she would grab objects if they were to her side and already somewhat near her hands already. Now, she has started to move her hands in front of her and can purposely reach for something in front of her. She seems to love this new development. When she's on the changing table, she now uses her left hand to grip the wooden side and she raises her right fist up straight in the air at me. I don't quite know why she's doing it but she loves doing it. I've tried to capture it on my camera.
It's blurry because as soon as I bust out my cell phone she gets all excited and starts dancing.
I've been trying to meet up with another mommy friend every Tuesday for a walk around Kailua Beach. I really want to invest in a jogging stroller soon but I'm still doing my research on the best for my money. We've been blessed with great weather on our walking days. But it's always important to protect your baby from the UV rays even in the shade. I finally found a hat that Slugger can wear without losing it every 3 seconds.
I've been trying to meet up with another mommy friend every Tuesday for a walk around Kailua Beach. I really want to invest in a jogging stroller soon but I'm still doing my research on the best for my money. We've been blessed with great weather on our walking days. But it's always important to protect your baby from the UV rays even in the shade. I finally found a hat that Slugger can wear without losing it every 3 seconds.
My goal this past weekend was to take her swimming in a pool or in the ocean. But the island was under flash flood warning for the days I had free. Of course. Still, I brought along a bathing suit from her friend, Lexie, on the chance that it wasn't too cold for a dip. It wasn't cold but it wasn't too warm so I just dipped her legs into the ocean and tried to gauge her reaction. There wasn't really any reaction. She was past the time for her naptime so she was in a bit of a zone. No smiles. No laughing. We'll have to try again when she's a little more awake.
Our day at the beach had a fun ending. After our walk, I took Slugger back to the car to change her on the front passenger seat. As I picked her up and closed the door, I locked it and then realized I had left my keys in the car. I had to call Scott, who was gracious enough to agree to drive down to the beach with my spare. While I was waiting, I took Slugger down to the water and then came back and waited by the car. When Scott arrived, he walked up to my driver side door and I yelled out "No, my keys are on the seat on the other side."
Scott looked up and with a big dramatic motion, he opened up the driver side door. Apparently, that door had been unlocked the whole time. Ah, poor Scottie. How does he put up with me? I convinced him we were meant to have a little date afternoon together. So we walked to Island Snow for shave ice. Slugger kept her eyes fixated on my root beer shave ice. Scott, who can't say no, was trying to convince me to let her try a little bit. Crazy!!! No way!!! I hope he was kidding.
She's not a quiet little girl. She's smiley and has a crazy loud laugh. And now she just likes to yell. I was in the kitchen washing dishes and I hear her just yelling/talking. She's not mad, she's not upset. She's just talking but now she's talking at a very loud volume. I try and try to get it on videotape but she always stops as soon as she sees me sneaking in the room.